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Do it again, Lord, do it again!
Do it again, Lord, do it again!
by Reg Ellis
DO IT AGAIN, LORD, DO IT AGAIN! (From words written by Max Lucado after the terrorist attack of 11thSeptember 2001) Dear Lord, as the innocent are interred, Our innocence is interred as well. The belief in our safety is shattered, We’re not unlike the rest of the World. We rememb
by Chris Goan
Prodigals, coming home - A liturgy for one voice with congregational response. Our fathering arises from human brokenness And so is easily broken We are your prodigals, coming home Our fathering arises in a place where we struggle for power and control And so it can become oppres
My father, Jacob
My father, Jacob
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem - My father, Jacob Proper 13 year A Genesis 32: 22 – 31 My father didn’t have a limp before. He said he’d wrestled with a man all night and, though he claimed he’d never given in, his injury had proved his need to fight. We’d left him at the far side of the stream. He often
Poem: The Maker
Poem: The Maker
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The Maker Whether we make a painting, a pot, or a poem; a cake, a candle or a Christmas card; a song, a sketch, or a sandwich, we look at it through our own eyes – the eyes of the maker. Sometimes we are satisfied. Sometimes disappointed. Sometimes rather proud of ourselves
Jonah Monologue